Tag Archives: edwardian

Summer sew along final week!


Good morning and welcome to the last week of the summer sew-along!

Today is the last day to get in your submissions for the Boating Dress to get the free accessory pattern!  If you missed the pattern it’s available now on etsy here


Yes, that’s the new AGAT Elinor, isn’t she stunning?   It was a looooong wait but worth it, I decided after a quick photo shoot this morning.  I was thrilled to find she is pretty in real life AND photographs really well too.  For me, one major key for good doll photos is eye placement and how well the eyes seem to “look” into the camera at you.  In the photo above I had an assistant holding up a big piece of batiste to block the intense sun where it hit her, but in the one below she was just in the shade:


The hat she’s wearing is the accessory pattern for this week if you get your boating dress pic posted!

 How do you get the accessory pattern?

If you did everything correctly and did not get the accessory pattern, please check your junk/spam folder!  For some reason, last week’s pattern went to multiple peoples’ junk folders.

This week’s dress was titled “Rainy Day” because I intended to have the dolls set up inside doing rainy day activities like reading, cutting out paper dolls, etc.  Well, I got too busy with summer visitors and didn’t get that done, plus our weather has been the opposite of that – incredibly sunny and dry/dusty/pine pollen-y both inside and outside.  It’s really disheartening to clean off a flat surface and come back 24 hours later and have a noticeable new layer of dust and pine pollen…or maybe it’s just a good reason to stop dusting for a week or two until this is over! 😉

Get the pattern here today only

This dress will be a challenge, with multiple types of pleats including a curved one!  It’s from Pictorial Review in 1911.  The magazine, like many of the time (Delineator, Ladies’ Home Journal, etc.) also published patterns that got advertised in their magazine.  Some had paper dolls either for fun or with associated advertising or sewing patterns, so kids could use the paper dolls as-is or mom could purchase patterns to make the dresses.  If you’re familiar with Dolly Dingle, who later advertised soup, she was the Pictorial Review doll starting in 1913, and some popular ones from Ladies’ Home Journal included Lettie Lane and Daisy, who was an actual doll but could have been cut out as paper dolls too.

Have you been sewing along every week?  If you’ve made ALL the patterns each week and submitted pix of them you’re eligible to get the bonus pattern!  Yes, if you missed a week here or there, and got the patterns on Etsy you can still submit pix of everything by the end to get the bonus pattern.

I extended the due date for all the final submissions to June 24 to give you a few extra days.  Put all your links (or link to one pic with everything) in here by Sunday night and the free bonus dress pattern will be emailed to you Monday morning.  If you do not post your pix and put the links in the form, you will NOT get the bonus pattern, no exceptions!

Please note this is a new google form for the final submission – you don’t need to submit the links for the final dress on the old one too!

To get the final bonus pattern:

Step 1: post pic of what you made here:  https://www.flickr.com/groups/2825314@N20/

Step 2: enter your email and all links to your pics here by June 24:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSevoGKl3vjEQH7Hnnm-xkCwfH5vaqSIUTa_U4I11PR0WhgF4A/viewform?usp=sf_link

Step 3:  Receive your accessory pattern by email on Monday

Summer Sew Along week 3


Reminder: Today is the last day to get your entries in for last week’s Ramble costume and the boot pattern will be emailed tomorrow.  Scroll to the bottom of this post for the links!

Oh my goodness…you did SUCH a nice job on the last two weeks of costumes!

I urge you to go see everyone’s work here, I’ll just link a few examples:


The safari hat is just perfect!  This is by Juliette Auckland

SSA2 - Ramble Suit

The contrasting fabrics are such a nice touch here in this costume by sewbig


Check out the amazing pleats on the skirt here by slpslee

It seems to have resized just fine for smaller dolls too:


(By Helen Webb)

Bunnies or Trolls?

by nethenekhthon

There were so many beautiful things from the first week too:


like this modernized version by Alison Moreton

Wrenfeathers SSA2018

This one by quickdrawannie


and beautiful lace on this one by catknapp


This week is an Edwardian Seaside Costume!


After last week’s challenge, you’ll be happy to know this one is pretty quick and easy!  I had every intention of taking the dolls to what passes for a “seaside” here in Colorado, but long story short, it didn’t happen.  I know lots of beaches near the actual oceans are rocky, so maybe we can imagine they’re not in my backyard, they’re climbing on rocks to get down to the water?  🙂

IMG_8505r (2)

IMG_8510r (2)

Get the pattern here today only

The resized ramble from last week is not quite ready for AG size yet…next week for sure!

If you want more info about the sew-along in general, please check the first week’s post.


To participate in the sew-along:



Summer Sew Along Week 1


Yay, it’s time for the summer sew-along!  If you’re new to the blog, this is an event to motivate you to complete a mini wardrobe on a theme for your doll by sewing one garment each week.  This year it’s an Edwardian summer wardrobe AND a bunch of accessories, mostly sewn, some crafty!

Here’s how it will work:

Each week’s sewing pattern will be posted on Thursday – make sure to get it that day!  Most of these can be easily shrunken for 13-14″ dolls like Hearts for Hearts and Cheries by copying the slim size at 77% and you’re welcome to do that if you don’t have any 16″ dolls like AGAT, Sasha, etc.  If you miss a week, the patterns and their associated accessory will be available in AG and AGAT sizes on Etsy afterwards.

Sew along each week and post pix of what you made.  Get inspired and comment on others’ photos here. Note that I sometimes like to share your pix from there on the blog, so make sure to have sharing turned on/off if you do/don’t want that to happen.  Complete each week’s outfit and get the related accessories pattern free, complete all the weeks and get the bonus sewing/accessory pattern!

This week we have an Edwardian Garden Party dress:


Get the pattern here TODAY ONLY