We wish you a retro…solstice!


Today is the winter solstice and the end of our retro Christmas series!

Get the pattern here

The last installment of the 1950s Christmas pattern was supposed to be a sock doll and dress.  I debated for a while about the sock doll – it certainly seems possible to cut up a doll sock and turn it into a doll’s sock doll, but good ones are hard to come by and I hated to sacrifice a good doll sock.  It also meant asking you to hunt down the same one I had and cut it up, all to make a doll that, honestly, I just don’t find to be that cute.

Instead, I made a pattern for a dress similar to the one the sock doll is wearing and you can put on a doll for your doll, like a Lottie and probably a mini AG/OG although I’m too tired to go hunt one of those down to check at the moment!  Those dolls will fit in the stocking from last week, and in case you’ve missed them, here are all the other retro Christmas pattern links:





Back next year with lots more doll fun!


7 responses

  1. Lottie is adorable in this dress! I can see myself enlarging it to fit the 13-14″ dolls. I’m making clothes for the Stitching for Kids charity (they give a H4H doll with a full wardrobe to little girls at the hospital), and that would make a cute nightie, and, with a sash, a cute play dress! Thank you I’ll also try it for my mini AG dolls, especially since one of them came to me practically naked and is still waiting for clothes!

    I love the idea of a doll sock doll! Maybe it could be achieved wth some baby socks? The tiniest ones are not too far from a doll size sock… It could be worth giving it a try!

    Happy Holidays, Jenny! Enjoy every moment!

  2. Jen, Thank you for a year full of great patterns. Lotte will love the new dress. I’m currently working on blazer pattern for my mini Chad doll . He is A Maru and Friends Mini Pal.

  3. Thanks so much! I loved the pattern so I printed it immediately, found some fabric, cut it out and sewed it this afternoon, to fit my Nanea mini doll. She looks really cute in it.