Tag Archives: crochet

Let’s knit with a crochet hook…part 2


This week we have the continuation of last week‘s post about knitting with a crochet hook.โ€‚This sweater can be easily modified for 18″ slim dolls (the brown unfinished one above) or cloth-bodied dolls (the red one).โ€‚

Get the second part of the pattern here

I know not everyone who reads this blog knits/crochets, and if that’s you, you’ll be happy to hear I’ll be back to sewing with a free machine embroidery download next week!

Let’s knit with a crochet hook!


Can you believe I made this with a crochet hook? And then spent hours and hours and hours taking pictures and writing a tutorial? And then more time redoing parts of it after compatibility problems between my two word processing programs?

If you, like me, are stuck inside because of blizzard-like weather, click here and then curl up on the couch with some tea and start a new doll sweater. It’s very long, so part 2 is coming next week. Enjoy!!