Tag Archives: claudie

Welcome Claudie and Happy Equinox!


Welcome, Claudie and Happy Equinox!

I’m going to try to start blogging a little more regularly again and am hoping Claudie becomes a catalyst for that.

The new AG Claudie in a FREE PATTERN! Scroll down to download

Claudie is so adorable! My first thought was that they had used the Makena facemold, but after seeing both side by side, Claudie’s eyes are smaller and her head seems a little wider. I like the darker skin and lip tones that they chose but, you will notice below that my Claudie looks a little different from the factory version…

I was more or less OK with the extra face paint on the World By Us dolls because they’re meant to be a little older, although don’t get me started on my makeup rant. Even if I liked the lower eyelashes on Claudie though, the fact that the paint is shiny means it can look weird in a photo. For example, my first photo of her was this:

You can see the lower lashes fine on one eye, but there’s a reflection shining off them in the other eye that looks unnatural. I originally planned on removing both top and bottom lashes, but after my husband removed the lower lashes, all of a sudden I went from “Yeah, Claudie’s cute” to “Oh wow, is she ever adorable! I love her so much!” So the top lashes stayed.

The more pictures I take of her, the more photogenic I feel she is! There’s one bad angle where her eyes can look a little uneven, but for the most part, I love this facemold and hope they use it again!

Her wig is what I’ll call “delicate.” One curl pulled completely out of place while I was dressing her, and wouldn’t curl back up into place, and another in the back seems to have succumbed to gravity while she was just in a stand. AG wig quality is usually good, so I hope it’s the case that there was just some issue with this particular wig.

To celebrate Claudie and the equinox, your gift this week is a free pattern for a really cute dress based on an actual 1920s doll dress

Get the pattern here

After all that happy sunshine, autumn arrived here this week with fog, rain, and much colder temperatures, so she’s going to need warmer things soon! Some are already made, let’s hope I stay motivated to keep posting them here! 🙂

PS: I was informed (Thank you, Sophie!) that the waistband measurement was missing from this dress in the summer sew along – that’s been fixed!