Lottie visits a ryokan/onsen


Lottie has been really busy in my imagination, although sadly I can’t figure out a way to get those images onto the blog LOL.  So, to relax, she is staying at a ryokan at an onsen this week.  Ryokan are traditional Japanese inns and onsen are hot springs.  They are popular weekend destinations for the Japanese, and a “must-do” for tourists.  Depending what your price range is (we’re assuming Lottie’s budget is unlimited for this fake-cation 😊) you can bathe in the hot spring and then retire to your private room to have a multi-course Japanese meal served to you at a low table in your tatami room.  At bedtime, staff will even come to lay out your futon for you.  These places traditionally provide a yukata (unlined, informal kimono) for guests to wear to sleep and walk to and from the hot springs.  At hot springs, these are worn with a simple tie like a western bathrobe, instead of the more formal obi – see a guide here: https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2029_dress.html I did baste in a fold at the waist, which is done for kimono because the fold helps it to hang better, but you could eliminate that and hem shorter instead.

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I LOVE when you send me pix of stuff you’ve made or link to your pix in the comments so everyone can see! My latest favorite pic is Anna’s gorgeous quilt pictured below:

She combined the looks of boro and sashiko to give her Lotties the perfect picnic quilt.

2 responses

  1. Looks like Lottie is having a great time! This is a lovely yukata/kimono! Great color choice.

    While in Japan, many years ago, I did experience the onsen, but my budget was too low for the ryokan!