Summer Sew Along week 2


Reminder: Today is the last day to get your entries in for last week’s garden party dress and the accessory pattern will be emailed tomorrow.  Scroll to the bottom of this post for the links!

This week is an Edwardian “Ramble” Costume!

Are you up for a challenge?  Do you love making pleats and sewing on tiny buttons?  This is the outfit for you! 🙂  If your pleat skills are a little rusty, check out the guide below!

Because this week’s outfit is challenging, I’ll tell you in advance the associated accessory pattern for this will be the boots you see on Nisha, which will work for that size foot only.  If you’re shrinking the patterns and sewing along with a 13”-14” doll, these are similar to the boots from the French Fashion Doll series and that size pattern is here.  Pleats don’t always enlarge-reduce correctly, so you might need to modify them a bit.


Get the pattern here today only

Get a guide to pleats here (permanently posted)

If you want more info about the sew-along in general, please check last week’s post.


The Edwardian Ramble:

Today lots of people go hiking and camping, but if you think about it, we had to get a bit removed from nature for that to be considered “novel” and fun again.  When you live in a rural area, and maybe farm for your living, you might not consider it fun to walk a few miles around the countryside on a weekend.  You might also want to give your draft animals a rest, which means even a drive would be out of the question.

On the other hand, if you lived in a city, as more of the population were doing at this time, it was fun to get away from the crowds and smell fresh air.  Train travel made it possible for the middle-class, and for the very wealthy, the novelty of a “motor car” meant you could get to even more places.

What did girls wear to ramble?  Well for adults, dresses or “costumes” with a blouse and skirt or matching jackets and skirts were both options.  Patterns for these weren’t specifically labeled as such that I’ve been able to find,  but I’m sure, just like today, some people wore inappropriate clothing/shoes and regretted it later, much like modern would-be “hikers” who drive up a Colorado mountain in July in shorts and flip flops and wander around shivering for a few minutes before running back to their cars because it’s SNOWING.


This pattern is based on a Bleuette “Costume de Chasse” from 1907.  My thought was that if it was deemed suitable to wander in the woods for a hunt, it would have been equally suitable for something kids would have found more fun, like wandering around on a hillside gathering wild flowers (yes, they did that too, in great numbers unfortnately).  The Victorians did not understand conservation of natural resources the way we do today, and seemed to think that all of nature was at their disposal.  Accordingly, they stuffed their houses with astonishing quantities of it, from dried wildflowers to taxidermied birds to enormous collections of chloroformed butterflies.  If it doesn’t make you sad, it would look period-correct to accessorize this with a little net or jar and some little plastic/clay bugs or printouts of butterflies.  A little basket of silk/dried flowers would work too.

If you missed it, Last week’s pattern is now available here:

To participate in the sew-along:



26 responses

    • If you can do this, you can definitely handle the rest of the patterns…and next week’s will be much quicker and easier 🙂

  1. This outfit is very impressive! You sure offer us a challenge! Hopefully, it won’t be too hard to size down to the 14″ dolls, as I really plan to try completing the outfit. I jet have to find the proper fabric, though (I think I might have a remant of tan colored linen). I wonder if checkered fabric would have been used for that kind of costume (either gingham or tartan). I searched for images of both ramble and hunting costumes and couldn’t find anything showing something similar, except for one image that shows a burgundy top and a tan skirt, very similar in shape to the Bleuette pattern.

    Thanks again for this sew-along and all the wonderful patterns you are offering us. You are so creative and generous! I loved making last week’s dress!

  2. Interesting suit/ramble pattern for week two. Definitely will be a challenge sewing on all of those delightful buttons. 🙂 Love hearing the costume history too. No butterfly catching going to happen here. The photos from last weeks dress have been so fun to view. Looking forward to seeing those from this completed project.

      • About 1/2 yard will suffice for all my dress patterns for 16-18″ dolls, so I normally don’t make a note of it unless it’s much more or less or very unusual (like the eyelet last week).

    • I don’t love sewing buttons either, but they add so much to the look! You could eliminate all of them except the front closure ones…

  3. This is just sooo beautiful, Jen, and hope I can do it justice w/in a week! Looking forward to the challenge – thank you sooo much.

    • Thank you! Yes, it’s a challenge, but so worth it. When the pleats were giving me problems I just kept telling myself that the original was intended for kids to make 110 years ago – I bet none of them did it without adult assistance though! 🙂

  4. What percentage increase would bring the pattern to fit a regular American Girl or other standard 18″ doll?  Thanks.

  5. Hello,, thank you for this summer fun… I have printed out the second pattern.. and there doesn’t seem to be a supply list, or how much fabric to purchase.. sure that was an oversite  maybe soon.. thank you Carla Holland 

    • You’ll need about 1/2 yard of fabric, 13 mini buttons and the normal assortment of notions like thread, fasteners, etc.

  6. Starting this week’s sewalong, and just want to mention that  the pattern piece for the cuff needs to be labelled “cut 4” or “cut 2 of fabric & 2 of lining.”   Can’t wait to see all the versions! Thanks!

  7. By the way, thank you so much for creating and sharing this sew-along!!! I’m having a bit of trouble, but am truly advancing my sewing skills and enjoying the challenge! Thank you for your generosity!!!

  8. Pingback: Summer Sew-Along Challenge – week 2 | Puxill

  9. Pingback: A Highland Ramble | Puxill