Monthly Archives: April 2024

SSA 2024: Starting next month!


So, in case you hadn’t noticed, last year was the first year in the history of the blog that there was no summer sew along! I usually start brainstorming ideas around February and work all through March and April to have everything ready some time in May. Last year, the plan was for a 1950s embroidered dress theme inspired by a then-new-to-me repro Effanbee Toni.

That was my busiest Spring in about a decade at work and on top of that, I was dealing with some health issues, so there was just not a lot of extra energy available to be creative. When everything was finally sorted out, we went on our first vacation in about 6 years.

Fast forward to now. I pulled out what had been started last year to consider finally doing that theme and had visions of 50s designs in my head. At the same time, after a lot of trial and error, I managed to get a really well-fitted sloper for my Petitcollin Lisa, and started expanding variations on it to include different collars and sleeves. Then I realized that with a few more collars/necklines/sleeves it could be perfect for a whole mid-century wardrobe! Yes, that’s me, always thinking big. Why do just one dress pattern when you could do a whole wardrobe? In fact, why even do just one decade when you could do several? Or even a century?! Ok, I actually do have a whole century project started, but let’s just focus on this for now. 🙂

For this year’s sew-along, every week we’ll explore how the “basic dress” changed between the 30s-60s, and come up with our own creative interpretations of the basic pattern. Yes, including the 30s really stretches the definition of mid-century, but you know you’re looking for an excuse to buy more cute feedsack prints! 😉

Because these are basic patterns with lots of room for creativity, I’d like a place for everyone to share their creations to inspire others. Many years ago, it was flickr, but since they have changed their ownership/model, I don’t put anything there anymore. My thoughts would be either a specifically designated Facebook group, or something like Google Photos, Dropbox, or Instagram.

Since none of these is ideal, and some are more difficult to use than others, I’m open to suggestions. Ideally, it would be something free, easy enough for your grandma to use, and not require downloading a certain app or creating an account. My other thought is to just let people post pix wherever they’d like and put the link to the photo in the comments on each week’s blog page.

What I’d like to know from those who plan to participate is: What would be your preferred platform to share photos with this group?

Please click here and let me know!