SSA Week 4!


OK, we’re 3 weeks in, are you keeping up? After last week’s dirndl and blouse, you might be ready for a quick and easy project – here it is!  Living where we do, it’s pretty much a given that there will be a snow picture as part of the summer sew along, and here it is:

Apologies for not responding to comments/emails as well of the lack of explanation/etc. in this week’s post. It’s move-in week for my mom and we’ve been incredibly busy trying to put in new flooring and get things ready at her new place. Next week will be better 🙂

Get the cape pattern here

7 responses

  1. Thank you for the cape – I have some fur material (pink & fuchia) and I can make these out of!Donna Siembak

  2. Wow! Snow! When was this picture taken? It’s been freezing here in Quebec as well (temperatures hitting almost the freezing point at night in the mountains), and in a city up north (Val-d’Or), there was snow as well last week, but it’s quite unusual for this time of the year.
    The cape is lovely and can easily be adapted for various time periods. I wish I could make it out of a fabric that would look like it’s made out of wool, but I don’t have this in my stash. I’ll have to improvise (I’m trying not to by more fabric… I have so much at home already!).
    Thank you for the pattern. I yet have to put the finishing touches to the dirndl… I really struggled with the blouse!

    • Snow in May, June, and sometimes even again in August are common at our altitude. If you go up high enough, you can pretty much find snow somewhere in CO year round 🙂

  3. Love the cape pattern. Perfect for snowy weather. 🙂 However, it will also be a fun addition as a beachwear cover up. Thank you for the pattern.

  4. Awesome Thank you,

    LOVE IT:)

    Elizabeth Alvarado, MSW

  5. I enjoyed this pattern and love the look with the dirndl. I am having trouble posting to Instagram. Would love to see what everyone else has made!